Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Back from the 502 { Kentucky Photographer }

I got back a few days ago from one of the most beautiful states ever! Kentucky was great, and not only did I take pictures of some adorable families, but I got to see a bunch of old friends! I will be posting up photos from the mini sessions soon! I also have a bunch of photos I need to upload from before I left for Kentucky (is it just me or is it unbelievably TIME CONSUMING to blog?!)!

I am also going to be working with a fabulous artist to help re-vamp my logo, website, and blog. Not sure when that will officially take place, but it will be a lot sooner than I thought. Fingers crossed!

If you haven't already joined my Facebook group, do so and click here! You can even follow me on Twitter by clicking here (please note that my tweets are far from interesting...).

Also, for those who missed me while I was out in Kentucky- keep checking back! I will be back in October and will be scheduling sessions soon! Stay tuned for promotions and FREE stuff!



Art by Leonhardt Photography said...

I hear ya on how time consuming blogging can be! It's almost a job unto itself! -Tony

Staci said...

I for one am so glad you're home!

All images property of Sheryll Lynne Photography

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